Domov Corwin novinky
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Naša história

S developmentom sme začali na Slovensku v roku 2010. Napriek našim skromným začiatkom sme sa z malej spoločnosti rýchlo transformovali na jedného z najmodernejších a najprogresívnejších developerov na Slovensku. Na trhu sme uspeli najmä vďaka tomu, že sme našim zákazníkom vždy ponúkali zdravšiu alternatívu a vyšší štandard. Vďaka nášmu nezlomnému úsiliu sme sa stali kľúčovým hráčom na trhu. Dnes pôsobíme na troch európskych trhoch, kde kontinuálne nastavujeme vyššiu latku štandardov v segmente udržateľných nehnuteľností.

Logo realitného developera Corwin na reklamnom bannery v Bratislave
Tím odborníkov realitného developera Corwin pracuje v kancelárii na akutálnom developerskom projekte

Od prvého dňa sme sa zaviazali, že každý nový projekt posunieme o úroveň vyššie ako ten predchádzajúci. Postupne sme rástli od menších projektov a posunuli sa k čoraz väčším a ambicióznejším projektom, na ktorých sme spolupracovali s  najznámejšími menami svetovej architektúry a urbanizmu. V uplynulých rokoch sme úspešne zrevitalizovali niekoľko bratislavských brownfieldov, vdýchli im nový život a premenili ich na živé susedstvá. Našu pozíciu lídra v ekologickom developmente sme upevnili získaním certifikácie za výstavbu najzelenšej budovy na Slovensku a v roku 2021 sa nám tento úspech podarilo zopakovať aj na slovinskom trhu, kde pôsobíme od roku 2018. V roku 2022 sme otvorili naše nové kancelárie v Prahe v Českej republike.

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Domov Corwin novinky Nové dielo v Starom Meste

Nové dielo v Starom Meste

Michal Hájek
Michal Hájek
Head of Marketing and PR

It’s been a year since we set up 7 beehives on the roof of the greenest building in Slovakia. Thanks to the care of beekeeper Tomáš Blaškovič, who also looks after the hives in the Presidential palace, the bees have done very well during this time and they have certainly not been idle. Our most diligent employees have already produced their first honey!

Honey harvesting at Einpark Offices

Honey harvesting at Einpark Offices

The city life keeps buzzing

While many bee colonies pollinate large areas planted with only one species of plant, our bees have a rich food selection. On their way to find pollen, they will fly up to 5 kilometers from the hive. So, in addition to almost fourty species of plants on the green roofs of Einpark, they can also go hunting in the Pečniansky Forest, Janko Kráľ Garden, the botanical garden or many city parks. They have year-round food sources in the city and, unlike in the countryside, they do not have to pollinate fields sprayed with chemicals. The honey they produce in this way can therefore be healthier, better quality and characterized by a varied combination of flavours.

The beekeeper Tomáš Blaškovič with an assistant pressing the first honey at the greenest office building in Slovakia, Einpark
Pressing the first honey from bees of Einpark, the greenest office building in Slovakia
The beekeeper Tomáš Blaškovič bottles the first honey from bees of Einpark, the greenest office building in Slovakia

Honey harvesting at Einpark Offices

A harvest for the entire company

We have all been looking forward to the first honey from our bees for a long time, so everyone came to Einpark to have a go at extracting and tasting it. We didn’t have to worry that there wouldn’t be enough to go around, as the 350,000 bees have been working on our roof without a break since spring, producing 145 liters of honey. We will share some of it with our tenant Mercedes-Benz, who owns one of the hives.

Honey harvesting at Einpark Offices

Honey harvesting at Einpark Offices

The honey bee is one of the most important animals on the planet. However, it is still endangered in our country and around the world. We are therefore very happy that our work allows us to do a little something to help the honey bees and we believe that in our other projects we will be able to find a place for our diligent bee colleagues as well.

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