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Our history

We have been building in Slovakia since 2010. Despite our humble beginnings as a small company, we have been one of the most modern and progressive developers in Slovakia.

We have established ourselves on the market, particularly by always offering our customers a healthier alternative and higher housing standards.

The logo of Corwin real estate developer on an advertising banner in Bratislava
The team of experts of the real estate developer Corwin working in the office on an on-going project

From day one, we have tasked ourselves with making each new project a step better than the last. From smaller projects in our early days, we gradually grew and moved towards larger and more ambitious developments in cooperation with the biggest names in world’s architecture and urbanism. Throughout the years, we have successfully revitalized multiple brownfields in Bratislava, converting them into vibrant urban neighbourhoods.

We solidified our position as leaders in ecological development by obtaining a certification for constructing the most environmentally friendly building in Slovakia and Slovenia, where we operate since 2018.. In 2022, we have also opened our office in Prague, Czechia.

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Making buildings smarter, greener, and more efficient

Corwin Planet

We are committed to leading the transformation of our industry towards true sustainability - environmental, social, and economic. This is fundamental to our vision of creating the best places for people of today and for generations to come.

Corwin stories

our projects

About Corwin

We are a team of specialists with a mission to develop the city in a positive and responsible way. For over a decade we have partnered with the world’s leading architectural and urban design studios to create innovative projects that have a positive impact on nature and urban life.

Our developments incorporate cutting-edge technologies that protect the health and wellbeing of their occupants, and we are continually seeking to improve our methods and raise the bar for sustainable growth.

A team of specialists from real estate developer Corwin working in the office on project's documentation

created investment value created investment value

430 mil. €

future development value future development value

2,2 bil. €

projects completed projects completed


apartments delivered apartments delivered

1 276

apartments planned or under construction apartments planned or under construction

5 000 +

commercial space delivered or planned commercial space delivered or planned

131 070m2

green roofs built green roofs built

16 861m2

green areas built around our projects green areas built around our projects

19 422m2

pedestrian communications constructed pedestrian communications constructed

13 297m2

sportsgrounds and playgrounds created within our projects sportsgrounds and playgrounds created within our projects

3 320m2

Marián Hlavačka

Our company was built on the idea that real estate development can be done better. That sustainability is not just a mere buzzword but a necessity. It was built on the idea that a few dedicated individuals can work together and really make a difference.

Marián Hlavačka


Urban principles by CORWIN

Our sense of responsibility towards the city and its future development is strong and weighs heavily on us. As a result we have adopted five interconnected urban principles that are crucial to promoting responsible growth and building a sustainable city that enhances and simplifies people's lives.

our sustainable

Water resources

Water resources

Water resources, also known as blue infrastructure, represent all urban water infrastructure, including rivers, ponds, drainage systems, and rain gardens that are essential for the sustainable use of water in cities. They help to conserve water resources and cool the city's microclimate, thereby promoting a healthy and enjoyable urban environment.

Energy efficiency

Energy efficiency

Yellow infrastructure represents the optimization and distribution of energy sources. It combines our efforts to utilize renewable energy sources, improve the energy efficiency of our buildings and introduce new technologies to the market.

City-forming elements

City-forming elements

"City-forming elements," or "red infrastructure," refers to the various interconnected public spaces that contribute to an energetic urban life and form the essence of a city. It plays a crucial role in establishing a sustainable and enjoyable urban environment.

Waste management

Waste management

Brown infrastructure represents smart and responsible waste management. Brown infrastructure addresses the fact that our consumption currently far outpaces the capabilities of the planet’s natural resources. It is therefore crucial to construct cities today in a way that allows for more sustainable, flexible and responsible use of resources.



"Green infrastructure," or simply "greenery," refers to a network of natural and semi-natural elements that help to preserve healthy ecosystems and sustain socially invaluable services such as clean air and drinking water, as well as increased habitat for biodiversity.

Current openings

Haven't found the relevant position?

We're always searching for new talent and creative individuals who share our values. If you believe that you could make a valuable contribution to our team but don't see a fitting role, please let us know. We'll do our best to find the right position for you.

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